keeping you in the loop

We understand that you may have compiled some questions about the Project. We encourage you to contact us directly, or subscribe to receive regular updates on how the Project is progressing and our community initiatives.

What is the general timing of the Project?
How much will the Project cost?
Is this a renewable energy project?
Doesn’t the Project consume more electricity than it generates?
Where is the Project located?
Which Council area (Local Government Area) is it located in?
Why was this location selected as the Project site?
Why is pumped hydro required?
How will this project help in the development of renewable energy?
How long will construction take?
Will the CWPH Project affect people downstream?
Will the Project affect water quality of Frying Pan Creek?
Where does the water come from to fill the reservoirs? Will existing users of the water source miss out?
How will water flows and quality be maintained during the Project's construction?
Will side flows from lesser creeks and springs be included in the flow through?
Are there plans to address existing soil erosion and to rejuvenate the waterway?
Will a construction camp be required?
How many jobs will be created?
How do I get in contact with you if I’m interested in getting work?
What is the process for approvals?
Who will assess the Project? What is the process for the approvals?
Do I have an opportunity to read and comment on the planning application?
Will you be sharing information with the community?
Will you share information from various studies with the community?
How will animals located in the areas to be cleared be identified and relocated?
Base line water testing: what is the methodology here? What is the criteria to be included in the testing?
Carbon emissions/Carbon sink
Carbon Accounting
Will ATCO hold another Q&A style meeting?
Would ATCO support the request to extend the EIS public consultation period?
How will you ensure the water sources around the project site won’t be contaminated?
How is the release of water managed to ensure no further erosion to creek banks?
Provide information about the mineralogy in the rock.
Commit to an open office at Bathurst any day during the EIS 28 day response period
Commit to BCCAN to have sessions with interested groups re: water.
Can't find what you're looking for?
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra 


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra 

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