a long history of being a good neighbour

Wherever ATCO is, we work hard to build ties with the communities where we live and work, and to keep them informed about our projects in their area.

community matters

At the very start of planning for the Central West Pumped Hydro Project, we knew that engaging the local communities of Yetholme, Bathurst and the surrounding areas was critically important to give people the opportunity to have input to the project and have their say.

Engaging with the community is not just something we do in the design stage of the Project, but something we commit to doing across the whole life of the project, from planning and design, all the way through to construction and operation.

We will listen to what you have to say and encourage you to contact us at any time of centralwesthydro@atco.com[SP5] or drop in and see us in person at our office in Bathurst at 1-52 Keppel St. If you would like to come and see us in person, our office is open from 9am-5pm, Monday through Thursday.

We're Listening

We will listen to what you have to say and encourage you to email us at any time or drop in and see us in person at our office in Bathurst at 1-52 Keppel St.

If you would like to come and see us in person, our office is open from 9am-5pm, Monday through Thursday.

Email us

We know that not everyone can see us in person or like to send emails, so we have a number of ways we are reaching out to the community to talk to them about the Project.

Our Community Open Days are a great way to hear about the Project and have your say. Held in Bathurst, Yetholme, and O’Connell, these are held a few times each year, the Open Days give people to opportunity to come in and have a chat with our project team and ask any question they like – our experts are here to help!  

We send out our Community Update newsletter through email at regular intervals. The newsletter lets people know what stage of the Project we’re at, what is coming up, how they can participate and any other Project or community news we have.  For our newsletter it’s definitely the more the merrier so sign up here today HERE

For the people in the community who prefer the online space, the ATCO Australia Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts are you’ll find us!  On these channels you will find our updates, including what dates upcoming Open Days are on.  Feel free to follow us on these for the latest news as it happens.


We are still in the early stages of planning the Project, or pre-FID as we call it. FID standing for Final Investment Decision. This time is crucial in terms of getting the design of the Project correct, ensuring we meet every regulatory requirement and continuing to consult with all of our stakeholders in government, industry and the community to inform and shape the Project.

  • Site selection and early engagement with the local community and traditional owners
  • community drop-in information session.
  • Commence extensive environmental and heritage studies and investigations
  • community input into the design and shaping of the project
  • community drop-in sessions
  • Environment and heritage studies continue with sharing of information
  • receiving feedback
  • community drop-in information sessions
  • Submission of project to government
  • public exhibition and community drop-in sessions
  • Government approvals and grid connection agreement
  • EPC Contractor award, with local job sessions
  • Project financing and preparation for construction
  • Regular community updates
  • Construction over an approximate three to four year period with regular community updates

good neighbours

ATCO has a long history of giving back to the communities where we work. In fact, you can depend on us to be a good neighbour, and to be an active member of the community.

Contributing and encouraging groups who are working to make their communities more sustainable, healthy, or who focus on well-being and education is the focus of our annual Communities Fund.

Helping CENTRAL WEST Communities grow

We launched the Communities Fund here in the Central West of NSW for the first time last year, proudly supporting eight community initiatives that foster healthy, sustainable and prosperous communities.

Since 2018 we have supported almost 60 local community groups and charities. To see them grow and thrive to provide essential services to their communities is something that we are very proud of.

DASH Robotics Coding Project

Raglan Public School, Bathurst – NSW

Improving student engagement in STEM activities across Kindergarten to Year 6.

Targeted at teaching creative problem solving and computational thinking, Dash helps students learn fundamental processes such as programming robots to move, light up, and detect the world around them.

The Dash Robotics program involves all students of all ages in STEM activities.

One Small Change for good - Water Refill Stations

St Philomena'sCatholic Primary School, Bathurst - NSW

St Philomena's Catholic Primary School wanted to remove bottled water in the canteen, classrooms and staff room, and the promote healthy lifestyles with refillable water stations located in the playground.

A total of 3 stations was purchased and situated in the infants and primary playgrounds and general learning area with the grant provided by ATCO’sCommunities Fund.

The in-school program has complemented the existing sustainability practices of edible gardens, recycling of paper, cardboard, food waste and containers, educating children on the impacts these containers have on the environment.

The Yetholme Community Hall Repair Project

Yetholme Progress Association, Bathurst – NSW

The Yetholme Community Hall hosts dances, balls, dinners, luncheons, concerts, craft days, car boot sales, fetes, Australia Day and ANZAC Day commemorations, and a significant number of family funerals, weddings, parties and other community celebrations. However, it was in urgent need of repair.

Yetholme and District Progress Association has used the ATCO Communities Fund to repair damage caused by drainage issues.

Healthy Meals

Veritas House,Bathurst - NSW

Veritas Supported Independent Living Service helps (SILS)prepare and support young people aged 16-17 years’ old who are leaving Out ofHome Care to live independently.

Participants are given the opportunity to experience the realities of budgeting, paying rent and bills, shopping for and preparing meals with experienced caseworkers providing help and support.

The ATCO Communities Fund covers the cost for  meal preparation for more than 10 house holds for a 12-month period to support a caseworker, once each month, to cook a healthy meal with the young person.

Walking Together: Connecting to Country

Boys to the Bush Ltd,Bathurst - NSW

Back to the Bush (BttB) believes we can all benefit from improving our cultural awareness and be educated about First Nations past, present and future.

BttB achieves this by highlighting and celebrating FirstNations' culture in all of their camps and programs; which are open to all boys in need.

The ATCO Communities Fund has provided support to deliver cultural camps, taking small groups of Indigenous boys out to Country to connect them to cultural practices such as; welcome to country, cleansing ceremony, bush cooking, storytelling and First Nations' dance and art.

Healthy Ears

Centacare Bathurst,Bathurst and Lithgow - NSW

Health related issues have been identified as a significant barrier and disadvantaged for Indigenous children.

Early detection and intervention will go a long way to ensuring positive outcomes in all aspects, particularly health and education.

Poor hearing and associated ear health issues are often left undetected resulting in serious disadvantage in relation to speech and language development, learning, socialisation and general wellbeing.

The Healthy Ears project funded by the ATCO Communities Fund focuses on aural health and hearing checks for Indigenous children.

The Yetholme Community Hall Repair Project

Yetholme Progress Association, Bathurst – NSW

The Yetholme Community Hall hosts dances, balls, dinners, luncheons, concerts, craft days, car boot sales, fetes, Australia Day and ANZAC Day commemorations, and a significant number of family funerals, weddings, parties and other community celebrations. However, it was in urgent need of repair.

Yetholme and District Progress Association has used the ATCO Communities Fund to repair damage caused by drainage issues.

Healthy Meals

Veritas House,Bathurst - NSW

Veritas Supported Independent Living Service helps (SILS)prepare and support young people aged 16-17 years’ old who are leaving Out ofHome Care to live independently.

Participants are given the opportunity to experience the realities of budgeting, paying rent and bills, shopping for and preparing meals with experienced caseworkers providing help and support.

The ATCO Communities Fund covers the cost for  meal preparation for more than 10 house holds for a 12-month period to support a caseworker, once each month, to cook a healthy meal with the young person.

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